About Us

Our Story

We are an organisation founded by blackfellas with a disability. Mob 4 Mob are guided by the definition of ‘disability’ as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

Aunty Helene Burns and Mr Byron Albury welcome you to Mob 4 Mob.

Aunty Helene and Byron are our Co-Chairs. The reason we have Co-Chairs is that at Mob 4 Mob we believe in doing things ‘proper way’. This means that we include men’s business and women’s business perspectives in our decision making.

Mob 4 Mob is the peak body here in Queensland for First Nations Mob with a Disability, their family, friends, and Carers. The idea of such a network came about when a small group of supporters and passionate people got together and registered Mob 4 Mob as a charitable organisation in March of 2023.

One of the things we really want to do is bring people together. By having yarn-ups, meetings and holding community events we will listen to your stories and experiences. Then ‘proper way’ we’ll take your stories to the Government and start up a real conversation about how we can change things for the better.

With our dedicated Board of Community Elders, Respected Persons and Committee Advisors we are planning on being here for the long haul. We come to you with with a wealth of professional and lived experience in blackfella disability business. If you identify as First Nations mob with disability and are interested in joining the board, please give us a call or complete this Expression of Interest form and we will contact you. .

If you would like to know more about how to become a member, please contact us info@mob4mob.org.au

Our Vision

Empowering Communities, Strengthening Voices

At Mob 4 Mob, we are committed to empowering First Nations communities living with disability across Queensland. Our mission is to raise issues impacting the resilience of our mob by focusing on crucial areas such as education, health, housing, the justice system and  transport  from  a  cultural  perspective.  We  work collaboratively with other Queensland representative Peaks and the National Peak Body, First  Peoples  Disability  Network,  to  ensure that Queensland  Mob  living  with disability are represented at a federal level.

Our Approach

‘Dadirri’ Deep Respectful Listening, Unique Solutions

We understand that every community is unique and diverse, with its own set of challenges  and  perspectives.  Disability  is  viewed  differently  across  many communities  and  cultural  groups,  and  we  respect  and  acknowledge  these differences. At Mob 4 Mob, we sit down and yarn with community representatives across Queensland, engaging in open conversations about working towards inclusive solutions that meet the specific needs of our Mob living with a disability.